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Vaping User Guide – What’s in a Liquid?

When we sit down and talk about what amazing products are on offer with electronic cigarettes, we find ourselves needing to go over what you’ll find in a typical e-liquid. After all, a lot of people who start vaping for the first time don’t seem to know what they will be getting themselves into and it can make it hard to get the best results.

 You’ll be pleased to know that there’s not a lot of ingredients in an e-liquid so learning all about it isn’t hard. Let’s take a look at what you need to know.

3 Simple Ingredients (Usually)

 So, when it comes to things, like your typical vape liquid, it’s important to understand there are usually three ingredients worth noting. Obviously, most liquids contain nicotine. This is an addictive substance that provides a satisfying sensation, but then there are also two things mixed with nicotine because your body can’t handle pure nicotine by itself. This is Propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin (PG and VG).

 These chemicals are found in a range of other everyday products and both do something different. For example, PG can retain water, and is also an antimicrobial agent, so it is used a lot in deodorant. However, the reason you see it used in vaping products is because it is a good solvent and also an emulsifier, which can help it a lot with keeping the liquid from separating.

 Contrastingly, VG is more about flavour than anything else. It’s got a sweet flavour so it’s used to help disguise some of the others you might run across, and it helps to make the whole thing much more palatable and enjoyable.

Vaping Should Be Simple

 Obviously, we try and keep the types of liquids that we sell as simple as possible, because we know how important it can be. We want to make sure that you get the best results, and we understand that when it comes to electronic cigarettes, you will want to try and keep it simple wherever possible.

 Understandably, you will want to avoid complex flavours or large ingredient lists. We recognise this, and we are committed to delivering some of the best results because we know how important that is. We have some products that have expansive ingredient lists, but most are very simple because we want to keep it nice and easy for you.

Final Thoughts

So, when it comes to things like the ingredients that go into your liquids, it’s important to know that you do have quite a few options to be able to experiment with results, so it’s well worth doing. At the end of the day, there are plenty of different options at your disposal, so it’s easy for you to pick and choose what you need. Most options only contain PG, VG and nicotine! At the end of the day, Infinite Vapour is committed to giving you some of the best options possible because we know how important it can be. You should take a look at what’s on offer in terms of our liquids, and also explore our range of kits, mods, accessories and other offerings.