Today we are feeling quite pleased to be living in the UK, where there at least seems to be some semblance of order surrounding vaping. In the last month many stories have come to light of governments across the globe banning vaping in their countries or at least imposing strict regulations making this innocent habit much more difficult – and frankly taking all the fun out of it!
Vaping is Healthier
We always try and share stories about vaping, whether that is good or bad news concerning what the researchers think. We keep up to date on the latest research and have done for many years, so it surprises us that this sudden hatred has surfaced with quite so much anger as from what we have seen regarding research the effects are certainly less damaging to a body than smoking.
Many studies have been carried out, and the findings always conclude that vaping does not cause as many (if any) health issues as smoking cigarettes.
New York City Joins the Ban
As well as being quite shocking this is certainly information worth knowing if you travel to America on work or business as you do not want to fall foul of the new laws. Passed just this week (August 2017) the city has imposed some new restrictions on vaping. Here is a run down:
• All vaping sellers must have the correct license and licenses cannot be transferred
• If a business sells tobacco products it cannot sell vaping equipment as well
• Cap (and by default reduce) the number of shops in the city that sell vaping products. The new number is equivalent to half the number there already.
• If you live in an apartment block with less than ten homes, you may not vape in common areas.
• Pretty tough! It has also emerged that the voting council members had to vote for the package of laws, it was an all or nothing scenario – with no room for negotiation.
So Why the Hate?
To be honest, we are not entirely sure. If you remember when smoking was first a thing, you will remember that everyone was promoting it. The tobacco industry was so huge that it made sure influential people, celebrates and film stars, were pictured smoking in adverts that must have cost a fortune.
When the health issues relating to smoking were discovered this level of advertising was quickly banned, and new health warnings were emblazoned on packaging, more recently with graphic images designed to put smokers off. This is an example of the nanny state, and now it would seem vaping is their next target.
We can only assume that this is relating to money. The tobacco industry has been hit pretty hard by vaping popularity and by the fact that the health damage caused by smoking is now irrefutable. People are keen to be healthier. Whether the tobacco industry is funding the drive to slur vaping, or whether governments genuinely believe that vaping does damage health we do not know. Thankfully for now the laws in the UK are placed to ensure you get good quality products. All the products we stock at Infinite Vapour comply with the regulations so you can be safe in the knowledge you are purchasing quality gear.