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Five Top Tips to Stop your Clearomiser Leaking

If you’re thinking about buying an electronic cigarette starter kit or you are already an electronic cigarette user you might be worried about electronic cigarette liquid leakage. Maybe you’ve already felt the sticky ooze of liquid coming through your pocket, or all over the inside of your handbag.

But, don’t despair. Here are a few tips to look out for that should help your e- cigarette leaks, whether it is a KangertechJoyetech, or Aspire, become a thing of the past.

Maintain the Vape

This means that you should clean your tank regularly and check to see if there aren’t any cracks in the clearomiser, or that the seals are still intact.

Make sure it’s screwed on correctly

Make sure that the clearomiser is screwed in properly, be careful with cross threading. Don’t over-tighten it, but make sure that it is screwed in firmly.

Don’t overfill it

Don’t overfill the tank, this could cause leakage. There’s no need to fill it right up to the top, if you know you’re going to use all your liquid, carry some with you to re-fill.

Take Care when you’re filling up the cleoromiser

When you a filling your clearomiser, take care not to get the liquid into the centre air tube. If you do then place a piece of tissue at the end of the clearomiser and blow gently through it from the other end. The excess liquid will come out onto the tissue.

Watch How You Draw

If you take heavy draws, juice can forced down into the air hole, which will then cause leaking. Take soft, slow draws and this should prevent this.

For more demonstration and training video please visit Infinite Vapour official YouTube channel

Infinite Vapour

Infinite Vapour is a stockist of world’s best electronic cigarettes brands in the UK, including e liquids and e accessories. We only stock the best names in the business and this month we have a special offer on the Kanger Nebox Kit 60w, which you can pre-order at the special price of £59.50.

Take a look at our range of Kangertech products and if you need to ask us any questions, just get in touch through the contact page here.

We have been voted the UK’s number one company for quality and service and we are happy to help you find the e-cigarette that suits your needs.